
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Create Perfect Posts in Social Media

Believe it or not, you can create a "perfect post" within each social media outlet. Maybe it won't be absolutely perfect, but it will optimize the views and reposts it receives just by following these great tips found in this Infographic. 

Infographic source:
(Source: mycleveragency.)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Learn When to Disconnect from Social Media

According to the Social Media Report 2012 by Nielsen, American's spend over 520 billion minutes online, either through their mobile device or computers.

This has increased 21% in one year. Mobile app usage alone increased 120% in one year. These numbers are staggering considering we probably look like drones over our technology usage day in and day out.
The Social Media Report 2012 by Nielsen

While I love the benefits and opportunities that social media offers, such as networking and marketing, it is incredibly important to know when you just have to shut it off.